Conflict of Interest

Our policy and procedures-


Friends of King Alfred Buses (FoKAB) is committed to operating good governance arrangements in carrying out its work. As such, a series of policy documents exists to supplement the provisions of the FoKAB Memorandum & Articles of Association.



A ‘conflict of interest’ can arise where personal connections or interests affect, or are perceived to affect, decision making in a role. This could be where the best interests of an individual trustee, committee member or volunteer are, or could be, different from the best interests of the charity itself. This may be something that affects the trustee, committee member or volunteer directly, or indirectly, through a family member or business partner.

Usually, conflicts of interest can be managed or resolved, but they do need to be identified first.


Statement of Intent

FoKAB commits that its decisions and decision-making process shall be, and seen to be, free from personal bias and do not unfairly favour any individual connected with the charity. Trustees and volunteers must act in the best interests of FoKAB and not improperly seek or accept any financial or other advantage for themselves or people connected with them. They must not allow themselves to be placed in a situation where their integrity or independence could justifiably be called into question.

No-one in their FoKAB role must accept any gifts or hospitality where this might cause their integrity or independence to be questioned.

No-one in their FoKAB role must seek any preferential treatment regarding delivery by FoKAB of any service or benefit.

The Bribery Act was introduced in 2010. The Ministry of Justice sets out in its guidance the offences under the Act for charitable organisations, in which charitable donations are considered to be high risk. No FoKAB trustee or volunteer must commit any act of bribery in relation to their FoKAB role and should report to the Secretary any proposition made to them in their FoKAB role which might constitute bribery.



It is the policy of FoKAB to:
  • See that every trustee and volunteer understands what constitutes a conflict of interest and that they have a responsibility to recognise and declare any conflicts that might arise for them.
  • Document the conflict and the actions taken to make sure that the conflict does not affect FoKAB’s decision making.


When a trustee or volunteer identifies that they may have a conflict of interest they must:

  • Declare it to the Secretary as soon as they become aware of it. In cases of doubt an interest should always be declared.
  • See that it is entered in the register of interests maintained by the Secretary (for ongoing conflicts) or recorded in the minutes of the relevant meeting (one-off conflicts).
  • Not take part in any discussions relating to the matter.
  • Not take part in any decision making related to the matter.
  • Not be counted in any quorum for decision making related to the matter.

In the interests of frank and open discussion, anyone in their FoKAB role affected by a conflict of interest must leave the room while related discussion or decision making is taking place, unless there is a good reason for that person to remain.

The minutes of the meeting should state:

  • The declared conflict.
  • That the trustee or volunteer left the room, or the reason he or she was asked to stay.
  • That the trustee or volunteer took no part in discussion or decision making on the matter.
  • That the meeting was quorate (not counting the affected person).
  • Any other actions taken to manage the conflict.

Whenever anyone in their FoKAB role is unsure of what to declare or any other aspect of this policy, they should approach the Secretary for confidential discussion and guidance.

Policy Adopted: 14th January 2017

Reviewed:  5th June 2024

Due for Review: 5th June 2026